March is STILL Foodshare Month

From the Mission Committee

The largest grassroots food and fund drive in the state, the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign brings together various community organizations, businesses, and faith communities to help stock nearly 300 food shelves statewide. In 2017, over $8 million dollars and 4.7 million pounds of food were raised by Minnesota food shelves and Minnesota FoodShare.

Either donate to the address below or you can drop it off at the church – call 507-263-2901 before coming to make sure we are here.

Cannon Falls Food Shelf Hours:
10:00am – 12:00pm, 1st Saturday, 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
4:30pm – 6:30pm, 3rd Thursday of the month

11 Belle St W, First English Lutheran Church,  507-263- 3257

Items Needed for Cannon Falls Food Shelf

Canned fruit
Canned tuna
Progresso or Chunky soup
Pancake mix
Vegetable oil
Hamburger Helper
Laundry detergent
Dish soap

 Note: Sue Banks, who is the head of our food shelf said that at this time, they do not need peanut butter.