In Person Services Resume at First Congo

We are meeting in person again! Services are on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Here are the guidelines that are in place.

For our safety, health, and comfort in worship, the guidelines below will be in place until the mandates and advice from the Minnesota Department of Health, the CDC Interim Guidance for Communities of Faith, the Minnesota UCC Conference Minister, and related health and church professionals indicate otherwise. They were developed by the Reunion Team and made available to all members in the annual meeting information in January. They will be amended as needed as conditions change.

Face masks are required. Face masks will be provided if needed. Children under 2 yrs. of age should not wear a face mask. Persons who have difficulty wearing a face mask should consider not attending until masks are no longer required.
Please maintain proper social distance (6 ft.) from anyone other than those in your household, while entering, exiting, and sitting. Pews will be marked with tape at 2 ft. intervals; every other pew will be kept vacant. This means there will be no fellowship time after
services for the foreseeable future.
As you enter the building, there will be a sign-in sheet should contact tracing be necessary. As you enter the narthex, there will be a table with the bulletins for the day; take one. There will also be a box for offering; we will not be passing plates hand-to-hand at this
Our heating system and the fans will not be in use while we are in the sanctuary. These only recirculate the air, which is not safe. The sanctuary will be heated prior to worship as needed and windows and doors will be open as weather permits.
Only one person at a time will be allowed to enter each restroom, unless the occupant needs assistance.
There will be no congregational singing until guidelines say that singing is safe again; we will have music, however. Spoken responses by the congregation should be done with soft voices.
It is recommended that indoor worship last no more than 40-45 minutes; the weekly liturgy has been and will continue to be adjusted to reflect that until the positivity rate, caseloads, and vaccination numbers indicate we are back to the best approximation of normal we can expect. The less time we spend in a room together, seated in a room with a closed system, even masked and distanced, the safer we will be. A Communion liturgy is being drafted that will allow us to again celebrate the Lord’s Supper monthly, hopefully by the end of April.

Services are being recorded and are posted later in the week; an email notification with the link is sent out to the church community.   To get on the email list to receive links to the services, contact or call the church office.