Face masks – Everyone entering the church building is asked to wear a face mask – both vaccinated and unvaccinated. Face masks are available at the front entrance. We will still sing as a congregation while wearing facemasks. People who have difficulty wearing a facemask should consider viewing the service from home. If you would like technical help on how to access the recorded service, please reach out to Pastor Grace who would be happy to help you get set up.
Social Distancing –We will return to social distancing both in the sanctuary and for in person meetings in the church. Meetings can be held in the downstairs Fellowship Hall.
Sign in – We will continue to sign in when entering the building.
Fan and air conditioning -The air conditioning and fans will be turned off during the service.
Worship Leaders – Those leading any portion of the service will not be wearing face masks since we will be at a safe distance from the pews.
Vaccinations – If you or someone close to you would like to receive a COVID-19 vaccination, a list of local clinics offering the vaccine is located at the entrance of the church. Members of the Minnesota Dept. of Health continue to report on the effectiveness and the importance of the vaccine in protecting you, your family, your friends and all those in our community.
Thank you for understanding and patience during this ever-changing landscape of this COVID world!
Blessings to all,
Pastor Grace and the Reunion Team