Today started the same as yesterday. We woke up at 6:45am to some recorder music, I think. The first couple work camps I went to, we woke up to Veggie Tales “Where Is My Hair Brush” and other Veggie Tales songs throughout the week. I’ll have to find them and play them for church some Sunday.
The youth were raring to go this morning, but as for the adults, we wished that we could have some more coffee to get the old bones moving.
My crew got to our site. Since we passed our first inspection just before we left yesterday, we started to put the ready-mix concrete in the holes. But after putting in the first bag of concrete in one of the holes we realized that we would not have enough to fill all 6 holes to the height required. We put one bag in each hole so they will be set for us in the morning to put another bag in them. We were able to get the deck squared up and the hanger brackets on and the cross beams on the deck. We could not get the steps on today because they were too short. So, we started our 2nd and 3rd projects; painting an 8×8’ shed and making it wasp proof. The is proving to be quite the challenge. We will see in the morning on how that goes. Hopefully we will have everything done by noon on Thursday. We for sure would be done by end of day tomorrow (Wednesday) but we have a half day tomorrow.
Today’s theme is: Go Serve with Purpose. The scripture for the day is Ephesians 2:8-10. “all we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It’sGgod’s gift from start to finish! We don’t play the major role. If we did, we’d probably go around bragging that we’d done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.” We talked about what is our purpose is in Christ Jesus. And we were asked: what does purpose mean to us? There were again many different answers. But the one thing that was brought out in our morning program was that God purposely nudges us to do something that at times we are not sure if we want to do it. Like for me… I have been saying that this will be my last year going on these work camps. But more and more I’m thinking that going on these mission trips is one of the purposes that God has for me, working with these kids at camp. That is my prayer for the week. It just might be to be a Red Shirt.
Tomorrow afternoon is a fun day. Tune back in then to see what we did as a youth group. Again today, I leave you with this one question for is what does purpose mean to you?
Cindy Mae