Friday, July 1st – Final Day at Camp

Well, it is Friday, our last day of camp – also known as crunch day, as I like to call it, since it is our last day to get our sites completed. We had a blast from the past. They woke us up with “Where is our Hairbrush” from Veggie Tales

My crew was very excited to get going.  We had a little bit to do, like putting the steps and handrails, put up the railing on 3 sides, and then put the spindles on the railing. Then when we were finished, we cleaned up the site of our mess. I’m very proud of my crew. We got it all done by 2:45pm. Since we skipped lunch, we went out to DQ (Dairy Queen) for food and ice cream.

We got back to the school to check in and return tools and unused materials.

We said goodbye to Joe, Ella, Sam and Thomas; they need to leave early.  After they left, I started to pack up my tools with the tools we had brought along with us. We are going to be leaving Sheboygan about 8am after we gas up for the long drive home.

Today’s theme is Go with God.

They talked about as we go back home on how we can use the new understanding of service to look/see all the opportunities to service because we are free. Throughout the week we saw how freedom, purpose, humility, and gratitude all ties into God, and on why he sent his son to teach us to be a servant.

Just a little bit of trivia…

We had 199 campers from 13 different churches and 8 states. We made up 34 crews, worked at 31 sites and completed 27 projects. All together, we worked 5,970 hours of service and brought 516 items for the local food bank.

On Monday we were introduced to writing care cards from Teddy and Fluffy. These care cards are to be written with positive and affirming notes to our crew, youth group, and anyone else at camp. Well as I’m writing this blog, everyone needs to have their care cards done by 11pm. They have an hour to go. So, it is a mad rush to get them done.

Thank you for reading these short blogs and Ella Coyle and I have been writing.  Now go serve with God!!!


Signing off for now; Cindy Mae

Ps. Please come to church if you are able on July 10th, 2022 at 9:30am to hear all the youth have to say about this exciting trip to Sheboygan WI.